
The mitt

Bill was miserable in ICU at the hospital. They put a mitt on his right hand to keep him from tugging at all that was plugged into him to deal with the stroke that had paralyzed his left side. Unable to speak much, he kept trying to get the mitt off. His wife said he

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Old friends

When I was a Girl Scout many years ago, we always sang, “Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold.” “Gold” was evident today at the memorial service of a dear old friend. The church was filled with love for him and his wife of almost 75 years.

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Assume lack of context

This was in Seth Godin’s blog last week. Thought you’d appreciate it, too. “Assume lack of context: The person you’re working with might not know what you know, might not see what you see. It’s tempting to begin where we are. But it’s more useful to begin where they are.” So true! And, yet, often

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Unintended consequences

Sometimes we offend without realizing it. I know I have, because I was lucky to be told about it. I’m sure there have been plenty more times. I try to be sensitive to what people say, their tone, and their body language, but sometimes there is an unintended offense. Years ago, I facilitated a program

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Role models on Father’s Day

I loved my father dearly. He had a significant impact on my upbringing, my work ethic, and my positive outlook on life. Two other men also are role models for me. I worked for one (John), and the other (Bill) was a neighbor who became a dear friend for years. Both told me they thought

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