Your potential

I was talking with a client (Kevin) who wants to find a new job. He is not sure what he wants, but he knows it is not another role like he has been doing for 12 years. His inability to see his potential for something else has kept him in this role longer than he has wanted to be there. The good salary and benefits have been anchors, too.

I gave him this assignment.

Think of ten (10) problems you have dealt with and solved. They can be from any time in your life.
1) Describe each problem.
2) What was your solution? (It could have been a solution you came up with or led a team to solve.)
3) What were the impacts from the solution?

3 is where deeper thinking comes into play. Whatever initial impacts you come up with, push yourself to think of a few more – at least five. Think of the ripple effects from the solution. Who was affected? Who else? What was affected? What else? Who else? Who else? Keep going.

By thinking about the many ripple effects, your brain will start percolating about what you have accomplished over the years. The ripple effects have affected people, processes and what else? Allow yourself to think without limitation.

Kevin’s response to us doing a practice problem/solution/impact and ripple effects in our coaching session got him excited about the possibilities that may surface from this exercise. He has impacted more than he has given himself a chance to think about.

What about you? What might doing this deeper thinking about ripple effects you have caused do for you? I believe you have more potential, maybe different potential, than you have thought about.

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