Your commitment

We hear so much about New Year’s resolutions, yet, we know that many (most?) don’t carry through on them. I’m guilty. My intention is always good, but… a month or so in and higher priorities have piled on top and buried it before it becomes a habit.

Always willing to try again, I’m going to take this approach in 2023. I’m going to write it to myself, and I’m going to spend more than a few seconds visualizing myself doing it… regularly. I’m going to put this intention, I mean commitment, in my calendar twice a month. Not on the same days each month because that would be too easy to ignore. In the notes, I’ll write specifically what I’m going to do, with motivating language for WHY it’s important to me. And how I’ll feel about my progress, as well as how I’ll feel when I drop the ball.

Yikes, I’m telling you all this. I’d better do it. Because you may ask me about it during the year, and I’ll have scrambled eggs all over my face if I haven’t done anything since this message.

There are many ways I could write this commitment to myself. It could be a compelling statement, easy to memorize and repeat. The more I repeat it, the more it will be a nudge to do it. Or, it could be an overarching theme described in one or a few words, like Streamline, Let It Go, Just Do it! It could be a prayer I write and say daily. Or a mantra. Or a letter of appreciation for the outstanding job I’m doing and the difference it’s making, with messaging that re-energizes me, especially if I’ve fallen off the wagon.

Want to join me? You don’t have to tell me what you’re committing to do, but if you’d like me to cheer you on now and then throughout the year, I’ll be glad to do that.

Let’s become someone who resolves to do something that will truly make a difference in how we feel about ourselves… it may have long-term effects we can’t even imagine.

Years ago on January 1, I had this very clear thought: I’m preparing you for great things, but you have to do your part. This time I’m going to do my part.

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