You have it in you

I want to remind you of something you already know in
your gut — you have
more potential than you have realized
. It’s there within you.
But for whatever reason you haven’t fully tapped it…yet.  

I was talking with a client with substantial expertise,
but her negative inner voice minimizes what she thinks and does, reminds her of
what went wrong, holds her in place, makes her miserable inside. She has so
much more potential!    

We all have positive and negative voices within us. To
realize our potential we must:   
> Turn
UP the volume on the positive
– this voice always steer us in
the right direction.
> Mute
the negative
– this voice puts us down, minimizes what we want
to do.

Every time I do an ‘Elevate the Leader in You’
workshop, a topic that hits home is: we all have motors and anchors within and
around us.
are people, places, things that lift our thinking, motivate us in the right
are people, places, things that hold us in place, weigh us down.

Thoughts are things. Projects are things. Music is a
thing. So is reading.

When we focus on our Motors we make better decisions,
feel better about ourselves, progress toward our goals. Every small success is
a step in the right direction.

It’s not easy to mute the negatives and release the
Anchors that weigh us down. They are like Velcro! Always ready to re-attach and
hang on, quick to say: I
can’t, I don’t have time, I’ll be uncomfortable, I’ll have to go out of my way,
They won’t notice, It’s not that important, It’s OK if I don’t

I’m sure you can add more. But it is possible to minimize them. And every small
win against an Anchor takes you closer to your bigger goals.    

Try this today:
– Turn UP the volume on your positive inner voice
– Write what you hear
– List your Motors
– Pick one to focus on and take action

The client I mentioned is trusting her instincts more,
took action despite resistance from Anchors, and has made real progress. You
can, too!

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