
I’ve learned over the years that stick-to-itiveness makes the difference in people’s lives and careers. Many have talent and experience, but those who continually work at something are the ones who succeed. They have grit. They are determined to make a difference.
Think of the things you’ve learned to do well over the years. It took practice, practice, and more practice. You’re never finished learning because there are nuances in each situation. You learn what works and doesn’t through experiences, both good and bad. For most of us, the most painful experiences have taught us a lot… even if it took a while to realize.
If you’re dealing with a complicated, nuanced situation, keep at it. Look at it from different perspectives. Try something new, or tweak something you’ve done before. Bounce thoughts off someone you trust. Most of us naturally spend more time thinking about what didn’t go well. Capture the successes, even the little ones, to reflect on later.
Years ago, my coach encouraged me to write weekly. She believed in me sharing what I had to say more than I did. I had significant doubts, and I didn’t want to start something I couldn’t sustain. Now, I’m happy to say, this is my 300th message. It’s hard to believe. I’ve learned over time that the messages that flow as I write are the ones that generate positive responses. Sometimes the flow just happens, other times it’s a real challenge. Either way, I edit, edit, edit. And that’s the case with anything you want to get better at, isn’t it? 

Often, a topic has to percolate in my brain for a while before I tackle it. Giving ourselves time to think is a valuable gift. It enables us to explore possibilities and picture outcomes. It enables thoughts that are within to bubble up. Thoughts that may stay buried otherwise. Only when I give myself time to sit quietly and write my thoughts do I come up with messages that flow.
I encourage you to give yourself the gift of time to think this week about struggles you’ve overcome because of your stick-to-itiveness. I know you’re juggling a lot, but, whatever you’re facing, stick with it, you can do it.

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