Let your thoughts flow

No matter how busy you are, no matter how weighed down you feel with the many challenges, frustrations, time stealers you are juggling, there is one thing you can do for your sanity and well being.
Write your Morning Pages*. It is calming, sometimes enlightening, and definitely clarifying when I make myself write 3 pages. The magic ingredients are: pen, pad, write for 3 pages. When I have filled only one or two, that blank third page pushes me to think further. Muddled thoughts get clearer. New ideas show up. Sometimes a DO list appears.
If you don’t know where to start, write that. Over and over, if needed. Then let your pen flow. A stream of consciousness flows best written by hand. There’s a connection from the brain that goes down the arm to the hand holding the pen. Sometimes, mine starts as a scribbled mental dump, having opened the gate to let stuff out, but then the mind calms as layers are uncovered. Other times, I start writing slowly, neatly, then it becomes scribble as my thoughts kick into another gear.
I’ve written about doing this before because it works. I offer it to you again because it can help you feel more connected, set your day off on the right foot. First thing in the morning when your mind is clear is the ideal time, but if you can’t do it then, do it when you can. It will do your mind and body good.
*Morning Pages originated years ago from Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way.

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