Let it go

I’m amazed how much negative stuff people hold onto. Over and over, allowing old hurts, aggravations, disappointments to play in their head. A friend talks about something someone did to her years ago as if it happened a few weeks ago. She also holds tight to what some people said to her long ago. It eats at her. I can hear it in her voice when she talks about it. Yet, she won’t let it go. She believes they did it intentionally and she’ll never forgive them for it. The sting stays raw.

At the other end of the spectrum is another friend who told me she loves doing FALL cleaning rather than SPRING cleaning. She equates the Fall with trees letting go of their leaves to make room for new growth in the Spring. She thinks of all the stuff she wants to let go of in her closets, drawers, garage, heart, mind, desk and inbox. She makes a list and works at it. Letting go of mental and physical clutter in the Fall sets her up for the holidays and the new year. She finds it freeing.

If you’re holding onto negative stuff – a sting, hurt, disappointment, anger, failure – or an overload of physical stuff, think about what it’s doing to your thinking, your growth. If it’s nagging you, or festering inside, I encourage you to release it. Let it go. Replace the negative thoughts by visualizing (or humming) something uplifting.

Let this Fall season be your time to unclutter. If it’s overwhelming, start with one thing you could let go. Picture watching it dry up, shrivel and fly away, like dried leaves. Picture yourself freed from it.

By letting go, you will allow new thinking to surface that can help you be more of who you are meant to be. Give the new thinking space to take hold and expand. It is there within you waiting for you to let it grow.

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