I was wrong I’m sorry

I was wrong.
I’m sorry.
I don’t know.
I need help.

Four simple sentences
expressed sincerely
become powerful
deeply meaningful.

They open dialog
crumble barriers
foster support
generate understanding.

Each one alone
or in any order
can make a
huge difference.

Guiding lights for
honest interaction
terrific teamwork
deep trust.

Reputation strengthens
when people know
they are meant
when said.

Armand Gamache, Chief Inspector of the Sûreté du Québec, learned these words early in his leadership journey from his mentor. They are an intrinsic part of what he has become – a well-respected, strong, thoughtful leader with a heart. Gamache teaches his direct reports to live by them, too.

Want to meet Chief Inspector Armand Gamache? Join me in reading Louise Penny’s award winning mystery series. The stories may be fiction, but the personalities are quite real.

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