Last week, I wrote about helping others up a hill, being a team player. This week I’d like to tell you about Sylvia. She immediately comes to mind when I think of outstanding team players.
Sylvia takes the team’s mission to heart and feels “privileged” to be part of the plans and decisions to achieve the goals. Privileged is how she describes her outlook when she introduces herself at the first meeting. Then she demonstrates it from that day forward in her attitude and behaviors. Here’s how she does it.
She’s prepared for every meeting. Does what she says she will do and more. She’ll touch base with other team members between meetings to ask how they’re doing with their commitments, even those she doesn’t know well. She’s quick to offer support and connects those who don’t think of reaching out to others for expertise and insight.
She arrives at meetings upbeat and energized, regardless of everything else she’s juggling. It’s fascinating to observe the difference between her attitude and others who show up, obviously preoccupied, and how that difference affects others.
She is open and encouraging during meetings and pays attention to body language. If someone isn’t talking much, she’ll ask what they want to contribute. Often, her genuine interest brings out unexpected input.
It’s obvious she thinks a lot about the team’s challenges and wants the team to shine. She asks good questions and listens thoughtfully. She’ll politely, firmly interrupt an interrupter who has cut someone else off.
She’s comfortable saying she doesn’t know something, will find out and report back to the team. She enjoys learning and seeks input from divergent thinkers around the company to bring different perspectives to the discussions.
She’s always honest and ethical and has no patience for those who aren’t. She’ll call them on it privately if she believes they’re not being trustworthy.
Sylvia is a natural collaborator who leans toward action and gets others’ input when needed for decisions. Her can-do-spirit is magnetic.
Her mindset drives her actions. She keeps her ego in check when her ideas are not accepted. Her primary goal is the success of the team.
I think you can see why Sylvia sticks in my mind as a valuable team player. Her reputation is that she’s fair, candid, motivated, and will do whatever she can to get the job done.
A number of readers, both members and leaders of a few teams simultaneously, have told me how teamwork is vital in their role. It’s a juggling act for sure.
Next week, I’ll tell you about a book I’m reading filled with good examples of excellent teamwork.
Until then, as you attend meetings and think about your team goals, show up as the outstanding team player you are!