Paul is a solid player in a unique position with his company for years. Honest, straightforward, ethical, he gives his all at work. He also has a robust home life with his wife (works full time), two kids (teen and pre-teen) and two special needs dogs. He loves his family. Being a good dad is more important to him than anything else. He coaches his son’s basketball team, takes his daughter to swim team meets, shares driving to school, and more. He loves being there for them, is energized and exhausted by all he’s juggling.
Politics and uncertainty at work due to a merger and continual mixed messages from the top frustrate Paul no end. He and his VP discuss this often. Theirs is a candid, trusting relationship. He often thinks about quitting, and has told his VP, but then something happens that makes him stay.
His expertise writing intricate bids, keen knowledge of his territory and the players, coupled with strengths as company spokesperson with municipalities, town hall meetings and the media in his territory, make him a real asset. He puts thousands of miles on his car each year but comes home every night. He knows he’s valued but has received no salary increases in a few years because of company challenges. When those thoughts bug him, he balances them with thoughts of his 401K and work flexibility, which are excellent.
His VP has been a supportive buffer. But now he’s been moved to a new regional role with only one direct report. He wants Paul to take that job. Paul would like to continue working with him, and this regional role would give him broader impact, but he worries the politics in the regions could become cutthroat. Another factor: this role requires travel a few times each month that would take him away from family for days at a time.
To add to his dilemma, Paul is not impressed with his new VP, a big talker not long with the company.
Should he risk going with the VP he trusts to develop the regional structure together? Or stay put, give the new boss the benefit of the doubt and go home every night? It’s his decision and he’ll make it.
If you were in Paul’s shoes, what would you do?