I was touched by the responses to last Sunday’s questions and appreciate the openness of those who wrote. A few thanked me for my interest in what they’re thinking. I’m always interested in knowing what’s on your mind and what you’re experiencing; it helps me know you better and guides my thinking about future messages to write.
The questions were about your work setup (at your employer, remote or hybrid), what you like most (or not) about it, and what has changed for you this last year.
Most are working a hybrid schedule and glad to continue working from home. They’re more efficient and get more done from home, although some “think better” about certain things “at the office.”
Connection is the theme in this snapshot of what some have experienced… and still are.
The hours NOT commuting allow many to enjoy more family time and self-care. Some are using that time to exercise, a much-needed counterbalance to sitting still for hours on Zoom calls.
Lunch with their kids and more time with pets is a real joy for some, although a few said their dogs have become more co-dependent. Being home for deliveries is great. Sharing work space with spouses requires compromise and teamwork, and it’s working for most.
One leader expressed deep appreciation for her team’s transparent conversations about culture, race, sexuality, and more this past year. She heard herself saying aloud “I had no idea” numerous times as they discussed different perspectives based on life experiences.
Another realized she’s much stronger and resilient than she expected when dealing with tough personal and professional challenges.
Working remotely brought to light how much many missed spontaneous conversations, particularly those instant thoughts when you see someone on the way to a meeting that trigger a quick conversation or decision.
A few changed jobs – voluntarily and not – and found the adjustment to a new role, and getting to know new people, more challenging done remotely. One was humbled by being furloughed and, now that she’s back, said things that used to frustrate her are no longer relevant.
As I digest more of the feedback, I’ll share more. If you’d like to send me your responses to last week’s questions, they’re at my here. It’s never too late.
Thank you, once again, to those who freely expressed their situations, appreciations, learnings and more. I value your input!