Quiet Leaders have different styles

When asked what is a Quiet Leader, I typically say “Every Quiet Leader is unique, just as you are unique.” Quiet Leaders (QLs) have different styles, personalities, points of view, strengths, interests, levels of outgoingness. Many are reflective, thoughtful before they speak. Others are outgoing, spontaneous.

But all QLs have one thing in common: the need to re-energize in a quieter setting. What they do for quiet time runs the gamut. I’ve talked with some who get up early to journal, read something uplifting. Others take advantage of time alone in the car. Some walk, jog, solve puzzles, create things. Whatever their preference, quiet time is critical to QLs’ success. Because all introverts need quiet time to recharge.

Yes, QLs are introverts. Where they are on the Introvert/Extrovert spectrum varies because QLs flex their style to deal with different situations to have successful outcomes.

There are countless examples of successful QLs today and in history, all introverts, all with unique styles, i.e., Bill Gates, Arianna Huffington, Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Google Larry Page, Michael Jordan, Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts. I’m sure you can add co-workers, friends, family to the list. A CEO told me he thinks most of the CEOs in the U.S. are introverts.

Research shows that introverts make up 30% – 50% of the population. I believe a high percentage are QLs achieving wonderful things!  I am fortunate to work with QLs who are energized about developing themselves and their people to be the best they can be. I love observing their growth in mindset and actions through our 1:1 coaching and mastermind groups. What they achieve is impressive. What about you? Do you want to expand your thinking about yourself and your possibilities as a leader this year?

Check out Mastermind for Quiet Leaders at my website. I have a group starting in March and would love to talk with you about what it could do for you and what you could bring to the group. Read about it here: https://marytscott.com/mastermind/

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