I often get a wry grin from a client when I tell them they are growing in wisdom after they’ve talked about a frustrating challenge. They don’t view themselves as wise, but they are.
Every positive, negative, and neutral experience we have or observe adds to our wisdom. When we allow ourselves time to think about what we’ve done, who we are becoming, what we are learning about ourselves and others, our wisdom grows.
I view wisdom as a subtle, deep, enriching awareness that settles into our thinking. A strong and gentle salve for our wounds that seeps into our system to do its work. We earn it on our journey. It can’t be rushed. But it can be mined. It quilts our life experiences together.
Wisdom develops at any age, any stage in life and continues to grow. It is in you, with you and for you. All yours. Because only you have the wisdom of your experiences. Your wisdom is unique to you.
Now that’s something to grin about.