It felt good to walk backwards. My feet appreciated the change as they were aching from a 6-mile walk, forward. The direction shift made a difference. Plus, it was fun viewing things from that angle. I saw things differently.
I recommend doing something different from your norm at times. It shakes up your thinking. Opens up possibilities. Wasn’t it possibilities thinking that played a big part in you being where you are today?
Don’t let the negative voice in your head say you don’t have time for it. Because if you change the way you look at things, you are bound to notice something different. What might change? A conversation you want to have, a relationship, an opportunity?
I encourage you to do something different from your norm this week (today!). It uses a different part of the brain, and that’s healthy. I don’t mean you should walk backwards into a meeting, but you might! It could cause a bit of a stir, maybe a ripple of laughter. Or, start a conversation that would benefit the group.