We all need time to think, explore, reflect. To allow ideas, possibilities, solutions to bubble up. If we don’t intentionally give ourselves time to think, gems within may never surface.
Beth has found essential to her success is blocking chunks of time on her calendar to think. She’ll clear her desk, darken all screens, set her timer, put a blank piece of paper, pens and markers on the cleared surface, then get comfortable. Her brain recognizes the habit… it’s time to do some exploring.
She’ll doodle or sit quietly to unwind. Sometimes she’ll write a sentence or just a word or two.
What’s possible
Look beyond
Dig deeper
What else
Who else
What if
Be you
Let go
Word triggers kick Beth’s thinking into another gear. Thoughts pour out. Without judgment, she delves deeper, expands further, flips ideas around, energized by what surfaces. This practice leads to new thinking, reaching out to people with different perspectives, action planning. The buzzing timer is a surprise.
With everything you’re juggling, what might some dedicated time to think do for you? Make it a choice, not a chore.