I didn’t know what I had last week, but the pain was worse and the itchy rash on my back was raging. Then someone suggested it may be shingles. Bingo! It hadn’t entered my mind.
The power of hearing a different perspective once again proved its value. I had a lightbulb moment thanks to making a phone call and the words a colleague said. It reinforced the value of opening up and stating why I wasn’t going to attend a meeting rather than the easier way of emailing that something unavoidable had come up.
There is power in conversation. There is possibility in conversation. There is promise of future understanding in conversation. There’s always the chance you’ll learn something unexpected or boost the relationship a bit.
I’m sure there’s someone you can think of you haven’t called in a while (or ever) or could call instead of emailing. Sure, email is quicker, but it’s not always as fruitful. I encourage you to make the call.
My shingles pain is under control now. It has diminished greatly thanks to acupuncture! If you live in the Orlando area, I highly recommend Dr. Yin.