On this Labor Day weekend, intended since the late 1800s to celebrate a day of rest for those who labor, I’m sending a shout out to all who build, clean, create, fix, polish, protect, serve, teach, unclog, and do other jobs that keep things running, and to those who help them grow. Your efforts to do your job well make a real difference.
It reminds me of this analogy:
At 211 degrees, water is hot.
At 212, it boils.
Boiling water creates steam.
Steam can move an engine.
One more degree of effort,
can make a real difference. *
What is that one more degree of effort for you? Is it making the call that’s been gnawing at you, or initiating a conversation you’ve been postponing, or asking for a different perspective, or writing the note you’ve wanted to, or working on something for the future, or bringing something to closure?
Whatever it is, one more degree of effort on your part may be just what’s needed to create the steam that will power the engine to… (fill it in).
As you plan for this week, after your day of rest, consider what that one more degree is for you. The outcome may surprise or delight you. Or, it may take some time to realize its impact.
“Many of life’s failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” ~ Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931)
Don’t give up. Create some steam and power your engine instead.
*From the book “212: The Extra Degree” by Sam Parker