New Year resolutions have not worked for me in the past, so I’m trying this approach. One word. I’ve been thinking about what my one word will be for 2024. A word that will help me stick to what I have told myself I want to do… for years.
But picking a word that feels right is not enough. That would be like past years when I make a New Year resolution, a commitment that is meaningful to me at the time, and I am sure and firm about it, but soon it floats out of my brain because so many other things take its place.
I’ve been thinking about what I can do to ensure my one word commitment is not short-lived. Here is what I’ve come up with:
. Start each day thinking about the word and picturing how I will apply it that day.
. Write a note to myself each day using the word and how I will apply it. (Writing it will help make it stick in my brain.)
. Picture what I will do when I’m tempted to let this commitment drop to a lower priority.
. Put it in my calendar as a recurring appointment. Include a nudge to kick me into action.
. Monthly, jot what difference my commitment has made and how it feels.
. Visualize daily doing the different steps, enjoying the process.
. Visualize the impact in my life.
. Picture the ripple effects it may have.
To make this work, I am viewing this 2024 commitment in two ways:
Process – the actual steps I can take that will bring me closer to my goal. Mix it up during the year to keep it fresh.
Impact – regularly envision the outcome and the difference it will make in my life, and in others’ lives, too. This will help me stay committed to the process.
What’s my word? “Strong” keeps coming to mind. It’s short and punchy. It will help me be strong in my commitment. Be strong about developing new habits that will help me deal with weak moments when I don’t want to do what I believe is the right thing to do.
If I continue to reflect on what being “strong” looks like, feels like, sounds like, acts like, I think 2024 will be a fantastic year. A year in which I will be proud of my commitment and the visible evidence from it. If Strong is my best thought-buddy every day, I will be Strong in more ways than I can imagine by the end of 2024.
What might your word (or words, if you prefer) be for 2024?