Be kind. I’m reminded of the power of these two words each time I watch THE KINDNESS DIARIES, the documentary series about Leon Logothetis, who travels the world based on the kindness of strangers.
As he journeys, he asks for food, gas, a place to sleep that night, no money. He travels the globe doing this, and what makes the series fascinating – besides his travels and positive energy about what he’s doing – is the remarkable generosity and stories of those who say Yes. Especially those who have little. Most say No to his request.
Leon’s experiment generates a flow of kindness both toward him and from him. For some who were kind to him despite their own hardships, he gives a gift specific to their situation. Their reaction is heartwarming.
When you think of those you work with, including those who frustrate you, consider being kind. We can’t change someone else. We can only change the way we respond, react, interact with them. We can look for who they really are beneath their facade.
We interact with people all the time online and in person. We can choose each day to be kind in small and not-so-small ways. Little by little, through a kind word or deed, we might just make someone’s day or help them see themselves differently. The ripple effect can be surprising, although we most likely will not know what happens. But it could lead to a life boost beyond our imagination. As Leon’s teacher did for him decades ago by telling him every day, “I believe in you,” when he was subjected to bullying by schoolmates daily.
This heartwarming, eye-opening series lifts my spirits and I hope it does the same for you. The first season is on Amazon Prime. Season 2 is on Netflix. If you’d like to see snippets of what Leon Logothetis has done, there are lots of videos on YouTube.
Here’s an article: Ex-Stockbroker Spends $200K of His Own Money On Inspiring Acts Of Kindness https://www.lifedaily.com/story/ex-stockbroker-spends-200k-of-his-own-money-on-inspiring-acts-of-kindness/
Every day, little by little, kindness makes a difference.