“True navigation begins in the human heart. It’s the most important map of all.”
– Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani Lindsey
It’s sickening to think about what happened this week in Uvalde, TX. And how many more children and adults than we’ll ever know, in every corner of our nation, have been impacted by this horrific event. My heart goes out to all of them.
I don’t usually write about what’s happened in the news, but I feel compelled to this time. When I was getting angry about what happened and about the reactions and deflections of some politicians, it made me sick to my stomach. I had to focus on praying for all the kids and their families and friends – and for those who will be our future and can make a difference down the road.
I’ve read that many helpers are showing up in Uvalde. They are opening their hearts, giving of their talents and skills, their positive energy, to do what they can to help. Many more will do what they can from afar, quietly, even anonymously, because that’s their preference. Bless them all.
I really hope this time we’ve finally reached a tipping point. Because people like me who haven’t done anything but talk about, and feel angry and awful about, what’s happened in the past will actually do something this time.
Taking some type of action is key. If each of us would do something, in addition to thoughts and prayers in support of those who are hurting beyond what most of us can even imagine, we can shift the direction this country is heading with its protection of laws that allow someone to buy AR-15s for his 18th birthday, along with loads of ammunition. What is wrong with that picture? You can buy assault weapons before you’re old enough to order alcohol? What’s wrong with us as a nation?
I’ve thought many times of writing a letter to my representatives and senators, but I haven’t. This time I am, to let both my state and U.S. Congresswomen and Senators know that it’s time to do something different about gun laws.
There are things we can do and this is where we have to follow our inner compass. Write letters. Make phone calls. Donate to organizations and candidates that work for change with which we are aligned. You may want to join with friends or family to do something together that works for you. We need more reasonable gun laws. We can’t keep letting this happen, and then blame it on an open door or a need for more security. That’s deflecting.
Something has to be done. Assault weapons should be totally banned as far as I’m concerned. But there are many who would argue with me about their right to own such a weapon. Why would they want it, is my question.
This week, as we grapple with our thoughts about all this and try to pocket it in a small section of our mind and heart because it’s emotionally exhausting, I hope you will join me in looking deeply into your heart.
Think about the path we’ve been on and where it’s taking us if we continue on it and decide on at least one thing you can do to move in the direction your heart wants to go.
This is Memorial Day weekend. A time when we remember and honor those who gave their lives in service for their country. But duty doesn’t just fall on those who serve in the Armed Forces. It is every American’s responsibility. Let us make this the last Memorial Day weekend that we are having to honor the lives of innocent children, taken from their families far too soon. We can get through this and create stronger communities and country. But we each must look deep inside, listen to our inner compass, and then take action.
Will you join me?