A few weeks ago, I was culling through books to donate. Some were easy to give away, a few were questionable, and then there were those I couldn’t let go. It’s something, the connection we have with certain books. As I flipped through John C. Maxwell’s Develop the Leader in You, seeing my underlining and highlighting, I knew it was a keeper. As I read parts of it, I was struck by the significance of one section and knew, in that moment, I wanted to share it with you.
The section is all about better connecting with your people. What’s possible when you develop strong relationships with them. Much of his advice resonates with me. For years, I’ve talked with leaders about the value in getting to know your people and what’s important to them, while letting them get to know you and what’s important to you, which fosters a strong foundation for growth and trust.
When you get to know your people and they get to know you, and you both grow to understand what is important to each other, a rapport develops, opening up avenues for thought and exploration that would not exist otherwise. With genuineness and consistency, trust develops and grows.
Rather than condense all the content I want to share with you into one message, I’ve created a series. Over the next six weeks, I will be sharing with you my Elevated Leadership: I.C.A. series. What you can expect each week is:
– an insight (I) from the book
– relevant coaching (C) questions to consider
– a call to action (A) to implement each insight in your own way
I am excited to share this series with you. May you find value in it and renewed enthusiasm for better leadership and teamwork.