Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. Rumi
When I read this quote months ago, it jumped off the page as if bolded for me to absorb it, touching me deeply at my core. It succinctly describes my coaching.
I feel blessed to do this work that I love, encouraging people to find their field – beyond their thoughts of wrongdoing and rightdoing.
This field is where your true essence lies, where your thoughts, your possibilities, your growth flourishes. Your field – and everyone else’s – is unique. You have to be intentional about going there. It may feel fleeting or beyond your reach, at first, but with some thoughtful reflection it awaits you.
Asking questions specific to my clients’ situations is how I draw them to their field. I’m awed by where their thoughts take them, what we uncover. Some approach it circuitously. Others jog right into it. We explore what’s on their mind, in their heart, what they truly want to do. Often, thoughts bubble up unexpectedly. Liberating, exciting thoughts that expand as they respond to questions.
I know we’re in an unusual time now. But despite what’s going on with the Coronavirus – or maybe because of the changes brought about by it – this beautiful Spring may be the ideal time for you to step into your field of possibilities. As nature abounds with growth and beauty, allow your Self time to grow, too. Explore possibilities beyond your typical thoughts. Flush out thoughts you’d like to develop further.
Clients have said they feel energized and limitless after our conversations. That warms my heart because I’m doing what I love to do.
If you’d like to expand your thinking, explore your field, feel energized by uncovering what’s awaiting you, let’s schedule a call. And if we haven’t connected in a while and you’d like to re-connect, let’s do it!
It will be my pleasure to meet you in your field. Or help you get there.