How are you?

As I write this message, I’m thinking about each of you and want to ask, how are you?

With all the stresses related to Hurricane Ian for those in Florida, the Caribbean, and the Carolinas, for those with friends and family there, and particularly for those hit hard and still reeling from its wrath, my heart is with you.

What always impresses me when something unusual, sad, scary or good happens is how our connections with others shine through. Our connections count. They’re meaningful. They make a difference. Whether you know the person well or not. We’ve seen it over and over.

There are countless examples of people helping others after this devastating storm. Here’s just one example: A friend in Orlando was picking up lots of debris in her front yard yesterday. A car drove by. Then stopped and parked. A young man she didn’t know walked up and offered to help her. Together, they filled bags with branches and leaves. Then he left. Unwilling to accept money. Just wanted to help.

For us, over a thousand miles away when Ian hit Orlando, it was heartwarming to feel the connection with those who checked in with us.

Now I’m checking in with you. How are you? 

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