Two dear friends died last week. One in his 60s, the other in her 90s. Good, decent, caring, unpretentious people whose paths never crossed, as far as I know. But, they both caused ripples. Ripples that touched lives in more ways than I’ll ever know. Until someday… when I get to read about them in this library.
“One day, when God invites [us] into His library to read His history books, we will…discover that seemingly insignificant acts, the smallest acts of kindness, unnoticed acts of generosity, set in motion a series of events that altered the whole course of human history…” *
Small, simple acts create ripples. Each time we choose to do a selfless act, and act on it, it’s a Holy Moment. Many of these decisions are made in an instant.
We all have opportunities every day. No one has to know we’ve done it. I bet you’ve done plenty.
During this Easter season, this beautiful Spring time, there will be plenty of opportunities. You may have your favorites. Maybe you are yearning to do more. Go for it!
Want some inspiration?
* I love this little book: “Holy Moments / a handbook for the rest of your life” by Matthew Kelly. Just 128 pages. I have given it to friends ranging in age from 30s to 90s. Each liked it for their own reasons. At the Holy Moments website, there is a free offer – order six paperback books and just pay postage. I did that last year so I could give them away.
I get nothing if you order. I’m passing this on because friends have enjoyed it. I hope you will, too.