I came across my notes from when I coached an airline pilot a while back. They could have been written yesterday. She said her blood boils when airline employees and passengers ignore her and speak to the male in uniform nearby because “they look to the males as leaders.” She’s the Captain.
She wanted to figure out a way to deal with this anger because it was eating at her. I had her describe examples of what happens and talk about what she could possibly do differently.
As she played with ideas aloud, she had an aha moment. She would turn to the male colleague and say, “I’ve got this,” before he could respond to the comment or question. This breakthrough energized her. She believed its simplicity would inject her confidence into the situation.
She was grateful she had talked it out with me, instead of keeping it bottled up.
If there’s something you or someone you know would like to work on to uncork, I’ll have a couple of openings starting in late October.