Good give feedback

During this month of thanks giving, let’s give good feedback. Hopefully, it will feel so good, you will make it a habit year-round. It could be a “thank you” or – even better – a comment about the specific action that lets the person know you noticed what they did and the impact of it.
Let someone know they did something you appreciated, it could have been yesterday or years ago. Notes of appreciation for something you remember they did in the past really hit home.
It doesn’t require a lot of effort on your part. It can be as simple as paying attention to when someone initiated instead of hanging back. Or paused and encouraged someone else to speak instead of jumping in.
They acknowledged someone.
They smiled and it lit someone up.
They said Yes, and… instead of No, I can’t.
They wrote something that was described well.  
They added to a conversation but didn’t take it over.
They listened and heard a nuance others hadn’t noticed.
They were a positive element in a group setting.
They kept something going when it hit a slump.
They diffused a conversation that was heating up.
They spoke up when someone was shut down.
They followed up when they didn’t have to.
They came up with a new way of looking at something.
When you notice something you appreciate, say so. Or, text, email or message what you noticed. Be the voice on their voicemail that they look forward to hearing because it is supportive, appreciative. Acknowledge when things go well and you’ll likely see more of that behavior. Plus, it can make their day.
Giving good feedback has a side benefit. When you have to deliver bad news, it likely will be received well and will generate dialog. 

I know a few execs who, at the end of most days, will think about what they noticed and dash off quick messages letting people know what they did well. They are well loved in the company. And well respected, too, because they are clear, thoughtful and direct when they have to deliver bad news. People appreciate them for it.
Now, let me thank you for reading all the way to the end of this message. It means a lot to me that you did. I hope it triggers some ideas for you.

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