I almost freaked out yesterday when I accidentally deleted an important # in a Contact on my iPhone. I wanted to copy it, but, after highlighting it, my fat finger hit something by accident and Poof! It was gone. Yikes! I needed that #.
Fortunately, I had saved it ages ago in my Password Wallet. I was able to retrieve it, but what if I hadn’t? I had to find out what could be done to undo an action in my iPhone.
When I saw the solution, I remembered hearing it years ago, but it had totally slipped my mind. Now I know – and will remember: Shake to Undo. It will become a dear friend. I tested it by entering a string of numbers and then shook my phone and a pop-up gave me the choice to Undo or Redo.
If you don’t have it activated in your phone, go to Settings / Accessibility / Touch / Shake to Undo.
Problem solved. Hope it’s helpful for you.