When my husband said we were going to move the furniture from my office and the Florida Room into the living room/dining room for our three-month renovation, I wondered how that was going to work. He is an ace at figuring out spaces, so I knew his plan would fit, but I wondered how crowded it would feel.
After we moved everything in, I looked around and thought… I have a choice. I can view this as crowded, congested, claustrophobic. Or, I can view it as cozy.
I chose cozy.
Every time I looked around, I thought: This feels cozy and it’s going to be just fine. We’ve both grown used to it and are quite comfortable in it. We’re almost finished with the renovation (in the fourth month now) and will be moving back and spreading out soon. It will feel spacious!
We each choose our mindset every day. Whether it’s about our space, our spouse, our systems, our support team, or anything else. Choosing to find the positives in it can open up thoughts and ideas that can expand our possibilities.
What can you view as just fine and not let it bother you this week?