
Your ember

A friend asked me to write a message about what caregivers can do to find moments of peace, comfort, within their chock-full days of doing for others. Exhausted from no breaks. Desperately needing a break for themselves. Even momentarily. As I thought of her request, I knew what my message would be. Go within. To your

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A gift for your colleagues

Do people dread seeing your name in their Inbox? That may sound extreme, but I’ve recently heard from leaders that some people’s emails are so long and full of details, they put off reading them. It’s interesting how certain topics come to my attention in clusters. A leader said she had an awful experience in

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Your backpack

I was talking with a leader who has to make some changes that will require shifting the way she interacts with people. It means developing new habits, which will surely be uncomfortable until she adapts to a somewhat different approach, while remaining true to herself. We all have fears when we’re attempting something new. Her situation

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Tell me more

A friend told me that my message about “Tell me more” has helped him in many awkward conversations, so I’m sending it to you today. The last time was November 2023, yet I think it’s quite timely now. As you talk with friends and family at gatherings this holiday season, we all know that certain

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