When I think of leaders I’ve worked with over the years who are good role models, these are the behaviors they are known for exhibiting.
First and foremost, they treat people with respect.
They view people as individuals with unique perspectives, strengths, abilities, and they look for ways to help them grow.
They listen carefully.
They are slow to anger and don’t hold a grudge.
They act in sync with their values (see my recent message about values).
They hold people accountable for working at agreed upon standards. And they hold themselves accountable, too.
They consistently communicate clearly. When they make a mistake, they own up to it.
They don’t gossip or spread gossip.
They ask for feedback on what they could do that would be helpful to others’ performance.
They give credit to others.
I could go on, but, instead, I’d like to know what behaviors you would add that model the way of good leadership.
Here’s a question for you: Which of these – or, which of the ones you would add – will you work on this summer?