Allow it

I noticed something fluttering against the huge window as we walked toward the end of the parking garage. A little bird was trying desperately to get to the trees outside. It could see them, but could not get to them, despite trying with all its energy.

As we got closer, it fluttered down to the sill, just inches off the ground, exhausted from trying. It looked scared, confused, but determined.

I bent down to catch him, and that scared him even more. My husband put his foot on the sill to block the little bird’s path as it tried to get away from me. I cupped it in my hands and held it close, so small and soft.

Through the garage and out to the nearby woods, I walked far enough away so that it would not head back toward the building. As I opened my hands, it flew fast and free into the woods. I was elated. I’m sure it was, too.

Sometimes, when we try to achieve a goal, we zealously focus on what’s in front of us, limiting our thinking about other possibilities. Sometimes, an unexpected hand can make a real difference, if we allow it.

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