I was driving through a residential neighborhood on my way to an appointment, wanting to arrive early. Tall old oak trees were swaying beautifully on this hot, breezy, sunny afternoon. No other cars were on the road, and not a soul was on the sidewalks. As I entered a roundabout, a small bright golden flame in what looked like a clump of dead leaves in the middle of the street to my right caught my eye. Was that the sun shining on something, or did I see what I thought I saw? As I slowed, a golden point peaked up from the uneven clump. My thoughts raced as I continued on… I don’t have water, it’s in the middle of the road, someone will see it and put it out, it’s small, maybe I imagined it. My other voice quickly added… but no one is around, what if a strong breeze lifts a little flame into a dead branch, what if an ember flies into a house, what if something awful happens, and I could have nipped it in the bud? Picturing those second thoughts as I reached the next corner, I U-turned and went back. Pulling to the curb, a quick look at the houses on the four corners gave no indication anyone was home. I walked to the clump, no flame, but bright hot orange embers glowed. I went to the closest house to ask for water, but the doorbell was just an outline, so I went back to figure out what to do. I found a branch and spread out the smoldering pile. Just then, a pick-up truck approached the corner. I waved to the driver, and he pulled over to ask what was going on. There’s a fire in this clump of leaves, I said. Do you have water? “Sure do,” he said and pulled to the curb, grabbed a jug from the back and fully doused the leaves. I was grateful for the water and told him he was an angel showing up at the right moment with the perfect remedy. We parted, in opposite directions. As I reflected on what happened, I was glad I went back. Who knows what might have occurred if I hadn’t? Instead, I had peace of mind. As I write to you, I wonder what small flame has poked its head up catching your attention? What if you were to spend a few minutes approaching it with an open, generous perspective? Your attention to that hot ember now could prevent a potentially bigger problem later. |