Russ is a big guy, known for his outgoing, talkative personality, open-minded leadership style, and willingness to listen to all sides, including individuals not always listened to. It served him well throughout his career and got him into trouble at times, but he learned a lot from all those experiences.
Now, more than ever at 61, he’s learning more each day about the value of listening. Russ has ALS and can no longer talk. We re-connected earlier this month when he wished me happy birthday on Facebook and I replied. We hadn’t been in touch in years, and I was delighted to see his name. He directed me to his website with “please read” in his message. I was intrigued and clicked it immediately, which is how I learned of his diagnosis and his positive mental attitude about his limitations… most of the time.
We’re emailing now because he can type his clear thoughts with his right hand (his left no longer works). His commitment to staying as positive as he can for as long as he can reminds me of how he always tackled problems head on, figuring out workarounds for every aspect of the challenging leadership roles he had in the newspaper business.
It also reminds me of a quote I read recently. It’s the Dalai Lama’s approach to life… and “the root of his stunning ability to accept the reality of his exile without being morose about it” in The Book of Joy / Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu with Douglas Abrams:
“Why be unhappy about something if it can be remedied? And what is the use of being unhappy if it cannot be remedied?”