Everything is always

My friend Lori was in western North Carolina when Hurricane Helene hit. It was unknown territory to her because she lives in Virginia. She finished her business and was heading to Charlotte, but the drive didn’t go as easily as expected. She kept running into roads that were flooded or mudded. She dreaded driving through deep puddles because a friend did that in Florida and her car died.
Throughout her long ordeal, including sleeping overnight in her car in the parking lot of a shelter because hotels had no power or no vacancies, Lori kept repeating her favorite mantra. She has been amazed at how it shifts her thinking.
“Everything is always working out for me.”
I love it. It’s inclusive (Everything), active (is working), continual (always). At first, I thought “for me” sounded a bit self-centered, but knowing Lori, that is far from its intent. She is always expressing gratitude to others and helping them feel good about themselves. If things are working out for her, they are working out for others as well. That is her primary focus in life.
These past weeks have been rough for many in countless ways. Some have months, maybe years, of challenges ahead to rebuild or move or start over in other ways. My heart goes out to them. And to you if you have been hit with a major change in your life.

No matter what we all are experiencing, our mindset makes a real difference in how we face each day.
“Everything is always working out for me.” I’m going to use it to lift my thinking. I know Lori will be pleased I have shared it with you.

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