
What would you do?

Sometimes a TV show episode sticks with me. In this case, it was Blue Bloods. As I listened, I knew there was a message I wanted to share with you. Officer Janko responded to the pleas of a woman who had been arrested. She listened to the woman’s side of what happened, a side no one

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Wouldn’t it be great if…

What do people think could be done better? What if they had opportunities to talk freely about ideas they have? Ideas that may stay hidden unless brought to light in a safe environment. Start an idea-group with colleagues from different disciplines. Give everyone opportunity to express their thoughts on “Wouldn’t it be great if…” Set

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Your first thought

Does this happen to you, as it does to me? When my initial instinct is a generous one, that other inner voice pipes up with reasons why I shouldn’t do it. I learned years ago to “go with your first generous instinct.” Whenever I act on it, I’m always glad I did.

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Holy moments

Two dear friends died last week. One in his 60s, the other in her 90s. Good, decent, caring, unpretentious people whose paths never crossed, as far as I know. But, they both caused ripples. Ripples that touched lives in more ways than I’ll ever know. Until someday… when I get to read about them in

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Good leadership is…

Good leadership is becoming more of your better self. The self that paysattention to your quiet inner voice. The only way to hear it is to mute, or at least lower the volume on, the negative inner voice that typically is louder and more frequent. What can you do this week to listen to your

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Be the spark

You can make a difference in your company culture. Instead of treating people like a vessel to fill with your knowledge and expertise, treat them like a torch to light.

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