Everyone on Liz’ peer team is deep into managing their own roles, as is she. She doesn’t know them well because they only recently became a team to tackle some projects. Things were fine Initially. All sounded committed to the team’s goals. But everyone isn’t holding up their end. Their lack of action, even missing group calls, dampened Liz’ energy to the point that she said in our coaching call, “If they’re not going to do their part, not even show up for calls, why should I keep orchestrating what we’re all supposed to be doing?”
Liz was at the precipice of allowing others’ lack of action to negatively affect hers.
I asked some questions to broaden her thinking.
Liz, you’ve worked on plenty of teams in your career. What are some of the attributes of team players you’ve admired?
She responded with ease:
-have your back
-friendly – intentional about making a connection
I was struck by how readily she named what she valued in them. So, I asked…
What would happen if YOU were to be that kind of team player with this team?
As she began envisioning herself as the team member that embodied all of the traits she valued in others, her positive spirit returned. Her desire for continued growth kicked back into play. Although this team may be temporary, her growth could be long lasting and open up new opportunities. Her energy was in a much different place from when we started.
Now, she’s using her image of – and experiences with – team players she admires as her mental guide. She’s taking control of her reactions and being the teammate that positively impacts this team.
This approach is sure to make a difference in the outcomes for the team… as well as for Liz.