
Different approach

Dan gets frustrated with the way some of his people handle their roles. They seem stuck in their ways. But processes have changed, and they must, too. What’s keeping them committed to their old ways of doing things? Are they afraid of making mistakes? Are they missing a piece of the bigger picture and how

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Attention is a gift

“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” ~ Simone Weil This week, pay attention to individuals and in meetings where you might normally allow yourself to mentally multi-task. Instead, listen and look for something to admire in each person. I hope you are pleasantly surprised at what you find.

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Talk about what you want

It’s easy to say what we don’t want, but do we say what we want? I was talking with “Nicole” about a situation she is dealing with because a manager who reports to her has made poor hiring decisions. She was letting him do the hiring since moving him into a new role because he’s been

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The mitt

Bill was miserable in ICU at the hospital. They put a mitt on his right hand to keep him from tugging at all that was plugged into him to deal with the stroke that had paralyzed his left side. Unable to speak much, he kept trying to get the mitt off. His wife said he

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Old friends

When I was a Girl Scout many years ago, we always sang, “Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold.” “Gold” was evident today at the memorial service of a dear old friend. The church was filled with love for him and his wife of almost 75 years.

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