Make the year ahead your time to let go of what drags you down or holds you in place. Lift up your heart to what is stirring within you. Wants to be heard. Wants to be developed. Wants you to do. It’s tugging at you. Or, maybe waiting beneath the surface for your attention.
Surprising to many, it’s valuable to look back first before planning for what you want. Bring to mind experiences that stand out from 2024. Sometimes, it’s not the major events. It’s the patterns that appear.
What did you do that pleased you?
What did you do that surprised you?
What did you do that strengthened you?
What did you learn about yourself?
Your answers will fuel your thinking for your future.
I had to go back through my calendar and look through photos to remember many things that did not readily come to mind. It was not only a good memory jogger, it’s making me think of writing some thank you messages for what I couldn’t have done without help from others. Sometimes long after a conversation or event, a thank you message can boost someone’s day just by hearing from you. It’s also making me think I have work to do on delegating because I tend to take on too much. Nothing new there! The pattern is clear.
Be kind to yourself as you think of things that may not have been good times for you. Focus on what you learned from them, especially in the long run. Maybe you’re still working through that.
Keep in mind, we all are a work in progress. Always will be. It’s what we do with what we’ve been through that counts.
I’m looking forward to using this process to help me grow in 2025. I hope it will be helpful to you, too.