Old friends

When I was a Girl Scout many years ago, we always sang, “Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold.”

“Gold” was evident today at the memorial service of a dear old friend. The church was filled with love for him and his wife of almost 75 years. He died at 97. She, at 94, is still going like the Energizer bunny. I think their dedication to volunteering, visiting shut-ins, making food for everyone who visits and taking to those who need a lift, has kept them going as a dynamic pair.

I’ve known them for almost 40 years. What I remember most about Bill was his commitment to always look for the good in people, even those who didn’t believe what he believed. That didn’t make them bad people, he’d say, just misguided.

When Bill was in leadership roles, he was known for walking the halls talking with employees at every level. He would greet most by name. One of the speakers today said that Bill would intentionally seek out those who looked troubled to offer a kind word, a positive boost.

In recent years, when he was unable to get out and do as much as he used to, he decided to share the hundreds of positive stories and quotes he had saved. Once a month, he’d mail one or a compilation to his mailing list. I always looked forward to opening the envelope when I saw his handwriting. I have saved many in my “inspiration” folder.

I will miss my treasured gold friend. And hold onto memories of our many talks over the years.

Who is a gold or silver friend you can reach out to this week?

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