Week Two of Six Insight: “People buy into the leader before they buy into that leader’s vision.” from Develop the Leader Within You by John C. Maxwell Coaching: There are times when we buy into a leader’s vision because of who they are. We believe in them, and if they think something has merit, even if it is a complicated or challenging project, we get on board. Think of a time in your past when you bought into a person and, because you believed in them, you acted on their vision. What was it about the person that caused you to want to buy into their vision? Think about the present. What do you look for in a leader that makes you believe in initiatives they want to pursue? Who comes to mind when you think about leaders you trust and would like to work with? What behaviors do they exhibit that energize you to want to get on board with their vision? Action: This week, look to the future. Look around your organization. Is there someone who elicits within you that buy-in feeling? What is it about them that you respect and appreciate? Do you have that effect on others? What could you do today to work on your “know, like, and trust” reputation? Stay tuned for # 3. See you next week… |